Inevitable Split Vol - I
This document provides an analytical insight into the historical background and immediate causes of the ethnic violence that broke out on May 3, 2024. It highlights the crimes against humanity committed on Zo tribal civilians by Meitei mobs and radical militia outfits like the Arambai Tenggol and Meitei Leepun, and the collusive role played by Meitei state functionaries and police forces, and the Valley-based media houses. It emphasizes the inevitable split that has occurred between the Zo people and the Meitei community, and argues for a Separate Administration for the Zo tribals as the only viable solution.

Inevitable Split Vol - II
This document builds on the arguments of the previous volume. It explicates the factors that lie behind the aggravated and militant nature of the Manipur ethnic violence, locating at its root the deep-seated nexus between the Manipur government, Meitei terrorist outfits, and radicalized Meitei civil society groups. It also serves as a clarion call to the Indian government as well as concerned stakeholders in the national and international arena to take immediate action to stem the rising national security threat at India’s Eastern Frontiers. Total Separation, for the Zo ethnic tribes, from this militarized cartel is highlighted as the only means to prevent an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe in North-East India.